The most difficult cases we encounter are wrongful death cases. When someone you love is taken away through the actions of someone else, there is no way to truly make up for it. The law does allow you to receive financial compensation for their passing. It is in no way a substitute, but it can […]
No amount of money can make up for the loss of a person’s life. At the LA Injury Group, we do everything we can to get our clients compensation for the passing of their loved ones in a wrongful death case. That said, there’s no real way to do that. No matter how much money […]
After you’ve been injured, most people are going to be approached by someone from the insurance company. That doesn’t mean that you have to reach out to them. It’s far more important that you receive medical attention, for example. In fact, that’s the very first thing you should do. When you are approached by an […]
In the moments directly after a car accident, it can be difficult to focus. You’ve just been through one of the most traumatic, scary experiences that can happen to a person – so it’s completely understandable. You could be seriously injured. There are so many factors to take it in that it can so hard […]
After you’ve been injured, particularly if it was someone else’s fault, it can be very difficult to focus on any one thing. You have to worry about your health, your recovery, how you’re going to pay for everything as well as the people who care about you most. With all of this going on, it […]
No matter where you go across the country, you’ll find trucks, big rigs and more. Trucking is an important industry, employing thousands all across the country while shipping all different kinds of goods. With all that travel, and all those trucks on the road, accidents are, unfortunately, common. These accidents can present certain challenges. At […]
In these blogs, we tend to cover the tactics that insurance companies will use to try and get you to lower the money you can receive after you’re injured. There’s a very good reason for that: most people, we find, aren’t prepared for how far the insurance companies will go. It can be genuinely shocking […]
A member of our car accident lawyer in Los Angeles CA team can help with your case. That much you probably knew. When we hear “lawyer that can help,” the first image that comes to mind is typically that of an attorney in a courtroom; arguing on behalf of their client. Sure, if it comes […]
When you’ve been through a vehicular accident (or some other kind of accident that causes a personal injury) you deserve time to recover. Hopefully, you weren’t that injured. Maybe a day or two at home and you’re ready to go right back to work; or better still, you head straight back to work the very […]
There is so much advice about what to do after you’ve been in an accident on the internet. Unfortunately, much of the advice online is wrong, misguided, or just out and out misleading. Our blogs serve as a corrective – we’re trying to balance out the misinformation. That way, you’re more informed about what to […]
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