File a Lawsuit for a Slip and Fall Accident: Slip and fall accidents can happen anytime and anywhere the least you expect it. Based on the Centers for Disease Control data, this type of accident is the leading cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI) no matter the age. Additionally, slip and fall accidents are the […]
It’s a devastating experience when your loved one died because of illness, what more if he dies due to someone else’s negligence? You don’t know who to turn to or call for help because of mixed emotions. LA Injury Group understands what you’re going through and we’re here to help. Our knowledgeable wrongful death Los […]
Los Angeles ranks as the city with the highest number of car owners in California with more than two million registered vehicles. It’s also one of the reasons why it’s one of the most traffic-jammed cities in America. The huge volume of cars on the road can cause road accidents because of the different behaviors […]
Negligence is the most likely reason for the occurrences of several accidents whether at home, in the workplace, or out of the streets. The negligent party or the defendant may owe you monetary compensation for your economic and non-economic damages as well as losses. Filing a case is a complicated matter and LA Injury Group […]
In California, getting injured from a slip and fall accident could be a reason to file a premises liability claim. However, you need to prove the negligence of the property that caused your injury. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data suggests that 1 out of 5 people who have a slip and […]
There will always be massive trucks on every road and highway, considered some of the most dangerous vehicles. Each year, it causes thousands of death in California. Victims of truck accidents often find themselves physically, emotionally, and financially burdened. If you or a loved one is a truck accident victim, consult an effective truck accident […]
Accidents are just around the corner, waiting for their victims. Simple negligence can cause even the most devastating misfortune, leading to grave injuries, losses, or death. Filing a claim is not easy as it may sound. Before you get compensation, you need to prove that your injuries are due to someone else’s negligence. Besides, there […]
Thousands of people suffer injuries and losses in car accidents in California every year. High-impact collisions usually lead to tragic injuries. At the same time, people can also get hurt from minor fender benders. When you or a loved one is involved in a car accident, call the police at once and seek immediate medical […]
Proving something that can’t be seen may sound difficult, like a person suffering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). The signs and symptoms include mood swings, mental perplexity, and difficulty in sleeping, to name a few. They aren’t visible to the naked eye, so how will you prove it to the insurance company or court? […]
Several times that dogs prove they are men’s best friends. Blind people have a dog by their side to guide them where they are going. Some become military dogs that help capture criminals and find illicit drugs. However, some dogs bite and attack people for other reasons. There were reports of joggers being bitten in […]
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