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Spring Means Better Weather, but Traffic Accidents are Still Prevalent

Yesterday was the first official day of spring. Depending on where you live, it might not feel like it at the moment, but better weather is on the way. In many parts of the country the sun is already out and spring has sprung. With the nicer weather rain, sleet, snow and ice will soon […]
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The Five Most Common Causes of Traffic Accidents

The Five Most Common Causes of Traffic Accidents There are two main functions of the filter: one is to remove the residual water in the refrigeration system, prevent the system from producing ice plugging, and reduce the corrosion of the water to the refrigeration system; the two is to filter the impurities in the refrigeration […]
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Harrison Ford Remaining Calm Likely Saved His Life

As we all heard recently in the news iconic actor Harrison Ford was involved in a terrible plane accident when the World Ward 2 era plane was piloting suffered an engine failure. Ford has been a pilot for decades and has flown many different types of aircraft including helicopters. On March 5th he was piloting […]
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Melissa Rivers Files Malpractice Lawsuit

The untimely death of the legendary Joan Rivers during a routine procedure took the world by surprise, including her close knit family. “The city’s medical examiner found that Joan Rivers died of brain damage due to lack of oxygen after she stopped breathing during the endoscopy. Her death was classified as a therapeutic complication”. Melissa […]
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Michigan Cancer Doctor Makes Millions Off Healthy Patients

Dr. Fatrid Fata, a prominent Michigan Internist has plead guilty to 16 counts of fraud and money laundering. Dr Fata fraudulently told healthy patients they had cancer to make money off insurance. Dr Fata would administer cancer drugs to patients who did not need them and ending up injuring and killing several in his 1,200 […]
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