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Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys
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Bicycle Accidents Knowing Your Legal Options

The use of bicycles as a means of transport in California is very popular. The popularity of bicycles is majorly brought about by their being eco-friendly, a form of physical exercise, ease of use and being less prone to traffic jams. Moreover, California's geography makes the use of bicycles more appealing. Furthermore, the general population […]
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How Long Does a Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit Take in California?

What Duration Does Spinal Cord Injury Claim ordinarily take? Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit - Timelines for which spinal cord injury suit takes vary based on various factors. Such a suit could take a few to several months, depending on the peculiar circumstances of each case. Some factors that determine the time taken by the length […]
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Is it Worth Getting an Attorney for a Car Accident?

Attorney for a Car Accident - Car accidents are rampant in the state of California. Most of these accidents result in serious injuries that would require one to seek medical attention if they are to avoid life-threatening complications. These serious injuries would often result in substantial medical bills. Retaining a personal injury attorney following a […]
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How Insurance Companies Determine Fault in Car Accidents in California?

Insurance companies, often dealing with a myriad of car accident claims, use every possible avenue to minimize their payout for accidents. This is why the expertise of a Car Accident Lawyer can be crucial. These companies have honed various methods to determine fault in car accidents, due to their extensive experience in handling hundreds of […]
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Protecting Pedestrians: What Should Be Done If Involved in Pedestrian Accident?

Walking is an enjoyable and beneficial activity; however, pedestrian injuries and accidents may happen at any time. When this happens to you, knowing what steps to take to protect both yourself and your rights is vitally important. In this guide, we outline essential actions, including consulting a pedestrian accident lawyer, so you can handle the […]
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