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Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Attorneys
(818) 240-1800

When You Need Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles

August 31, 2018 
by LA Injury Group

We have people come to us all the time and asking: “do I really need an attorney?” The simple truth is that an attorney can help you quite a bit after you’ve been injured. Studies have shown that you’re much likely to get more money in compensation if you have an attorney. So, you’ll be more likely to get less if you try to handle your personal injury claim yourself. In fact, it’s been proven that, on average, you could get three times as much with an attorney than if you don’t have one. That being said, it’s not easy to find an injury attorneys in los angeles. These are some reasons that we believe you should choose us to represent you.

Our Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles

Many law firms will bring you in for a free consultation. When you’re there talking to them, they will promise you the moon and stars. You’ll probably get a speech from the attorney that you’ve seen on the advertisements and/or the website. Often however, this attorney isn’t the one who’s going to deal with your case. They’ll give you to one of the other, newer, less experienced injury attorneys in Los Angeles at their firm. You could get someone who’s unfamiliar with your kind of case and how everything works. The only time you might meet their more experienced attorney is during this meeting.

We don’t do that at the LA Injury Group. You’re always going to get one of our more experienced, competent attorneys who has done this kind of work before. Your personal injury case is important to you. Indeed, it’s your life, health and well-being. You don’t want to entrust that to someone who’s never dealt with this kind of thing before. Moreover, we don’t want to put you that. So, we make sure that your case is handled by one of experienced, veteran professionals. That way, you get the kind of representation you deserve.

When You Need Injury Attorneys in Los Angeles

Personal Injury Lawyer Fees

If you’ve been injured in an accident, then you understand how expensive everything is. Between the doctors’ bills, other medical expenses, fixing your vehicle and so forth, it’s natural to be overwhelmed by how much everything costs. It’s not like the average person plans for being hurt in an accident. So, you may be worried about how much your accident will cost, which could lead you to be wary of hiring injury attorneys in Los Angeles. We don’t want you to feel that way, so we make sure to have a price model that works on contingency. Simply put, we don’t get paid unless you do. So, you can pay us out of your settlement or win in court.

That way, you don’t have to worry about paying feels or billing or anything like that as the case goes on. You can focus instead on getting back into health. By taking care of yourself and focusing on what’s important, you can bounce back quickly. When you let us take your court case, you give yourself one less thing to worry about. Many people want to handle their own personal injury case, which is understandable. However, that’s an enormous responsibility and burden. When you do that, it can make your recovery that much harder.

If your car broke down, you’d hire a mechanic. If there was a problem with your pipes, you’d hire a plumber. The same should go for having injury attorneys in Los Angeles. Instead of trying it yourself, you can give yourself the peace of mind that comes from letting experienced, knowledgeable experts handle your case. That’s true whether your case goes to court or if you’re just dealing with an insurance company. Remember: the insurance company doesn’t want you to hire an attorney. They want to be able to give you the lowest deal possible and have you sign it.

Car Accident Attorneys and So Much More

Always have an attorney look at something the insurance company offers you before you sign it. That way, you aren’t signing away tens of thousands of dollars (if not much more) that are rightfully yours. Always keep in mind that the insurance company’s business model depends on them not giving you all the money your claim is worth. They make money when they don’t give it to you. That’s harsh, but unfortunately true. It’s just one more reason to come in and talk to our attorneys before you make a decision that could affect the rest of your life.

Experience is a critical component to keep in mind when looking for injury attorneys in Los Angeles. “Experience” can also mean a lot of different things. It could mean “experience” as in the attorneys have dealt with insurance companies many times before in personal injury cases. It could mean “experience” in regards to going into court and trying cases in front of a judge and so forth. It could also mean “experience” as in negotiation, that they’re used to taking on insurance companies and the like at the negotiating table; getting good settlements for their clients.

Of course, here at the LA Injury Group, we have injury attorneys in Los Angeles who are experienced at each of those. Our attorneys have years of experience of helping our clients in each of those different facets, so that you can get the settlement you need to move on with your life, taking care of yourself and those who depend upon you. However, there’s another kind of experience that we also have to offer here at the LA Injury Group: specific kinds of personal injury.

When you drive around town, go online or even listen to the radio, you’ve probably heard and seen so many advertisements for attorneys in Los Angeles. One thing few of them do mention though is what kind of injuries their firm handles. You don’t want to go to a firm that says “we do injuries” and then, after signing with them, discover that they have no attorneys who handle cases involving your kind of injury.

Injury Lawyer Free Consultation

That’s all the more reason to schedule a free consultation with us here at the LA Injury Group. We deal with all different kinds of personal injury cases. Whether you’re hurt in a car accident, motorcycle accident, bike accident or more, we have attorneys who have dealt with those cases for many kinds of years. We even have attorneys who specialize in big rig and semi truck accident cases, which are different than other kind of vehicular accident cases. Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that you don’t have to have to have been injured in an accident involving a vehicle to come here.

Slip and fall accidents, catastrophic injuries, and so many others – we handle all facets of personal injury cases. When you’ve been hurt, and it’s the fault of someone else, you deserve compensation. You shouldn’t’ have to live with the consequences of it by yourself. It’s not like you asked to be injured. You deserve compensation for everything that you’ve been through. That’s’ where we can step up for you. Our attorneys have the kind of experience and know how it takes to get you what you should earn.

We understand that, after you’ve been injured, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to reach out to an attorney. You have a million other things in your mind, and there’s so much for you to do. That’s why we make it so easy to get started with us. All you have to do is call us at (818) 240-1800 or go to schedule a meeting at our website. That’s all it takes. We’ll figure out a time and take it from there. We love to talk to potential clients about how we can help them through their injury, so that they can get what they deserve.

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