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Best Trial LA Trucking Accident Lawyer You Can Count On

December 5, 2021 
by LA Injury Group

Trucks and big rigs are massive vehicles and can cause catastrophic injuries when involved in an accident. If you or a loved one suffered damages from a truck accident, it’s just right that you pursue a claim because of the defendant(s) negligence. Talk to the best trial Los Angeles truck accident lawyer you can count on.

Best Trial Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer

What Causes Truck Accidents in Los Angeles?

Trucking companies have legal duties to make sure that they operate safely for their own safety and others. However, the negligence of other truck drivers continues to wreak havoc on roads and highways, causing severe injuries and even death. 

  • Speeding truck drivers to meet delivery deadlines
  • Distracted truck drivers (eating, texting, messaging, or calling)
  • Truck driver fatigue (driving for longer hours)
  • Undertrained truck drivers (inadequate or improper training)
  • Inadequate truck/trailer inspections
  • Improperly loaded trailers or cargoes (can lead to tilting of the truck or falling of cargoes)
  • Lack of proper truck maintenance (wiggling tires, loose nuts and bolts, non-working brakes)
  • Drunk or intoxicated truck drivers

Best Trial Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer: What are the Most Common Injuries in a Truck Accident?

Just looking at the truck’s size, you already know the extent of damages it may create during an accident. It would be a miracle if you walked away from a truck accident without even a small cut or bruise.

  • Cuts, wounds, lacerations, or abrasions
  • Bruises
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Bone fractures
  • Internal Injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Wrongful death

Who is the Liable Party in a Truck Accident?

Most truck casualties in Los Angeles boil down to the truck company’s liability. They’re not only held responsible for their actions but also for their truck drivers. Every trucking company has the duty to prevent accidents prudently.

They can do so by conducting regular truck check-ups and maintenance. Additionally, they must provide the proper training and hiring procedures. Both the company and drivers must comply with all federal trucking safety regulations. If the company failed to fulfill its duty of care, leading to accidents and injuries, then it is indeed liable.

At the same time, the trucking company is responsible for its employees’ negligence, especially the drivers. Generally, companies have better insurance than their drivers, so it’s just wise to get hold of them instead of their employees.  

The truck driver or the company isn’t the only one who can be held liable for a truck accident. There could be a third party but not directly involved in the crash. It may be a manufacturing company that produces a defective product, such as faulty brakes or poor-quality tires. 

Hiring the best trial Los Angeles truck accident lawyer can identify the liable party (or parties) who caused your damages. Moreover, he can maximize your compensation and increase it as he finds more responsible parties in your case.

What Kind of Compensation Do Truck Accident Victims May Get?

The amount of that a victim may get depends on the degree of the injuries he suffers. However, the kind of compensation stays the same on a case-to-case basis. The settlement or court award will compensate you for the following:

  • Property damages
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages (past and future)
  • Life-changing disabilities
  • Past and future losses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages

The jury may award more for distressing and calamitous truck accident cases, such as traumatic brain injuries or wrongful death. In case the defendant is badly negligent, the court will award you additional money from punitive damages. The extra compensation you will receive will come from the defendant because of his misconduct.  

What is the Statute of Limitations in California?

You must make haste should you decide to file a claim against the defendant in a truck accident. Under California’s Statute of Limitations, you have two years to file a lawsuit from the date of the accident. Failure to do so can strip you of your rights to compensation. The earlier you file, the better. Contact the best trial Los Angeles truck accident lawyer to help you walk through the legal procedures. 

Why Do You Need to Work with the Best Trial Los Angeles Truck Accident Lawyer?

Initially, you don’t have to deal with big commercial trucking companies on your own. The LA Injury Group has a team of the best trial Los Angeles truck accident lawyers you can count. We will protect your rights and ensure that you’ll get the compensation that you deserve.  

We are your best ally, and we’ll save you time and effort in negotiating with the insurance company. What’s more, we’re aggressive enough to bring the case to the court if necessary. We work on a contingency basis, meaning no win, no pay.

Call (818) 240-1800, and let’s discuss your case for free. We’ll be happy to help you in the best way that we can.

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